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Ways To Stop Hair Loss

Hair loss affects two thirds of men, and over half of women by the age of 40. Hair loss is a lot more common than many people think, and without a cure, it is an issue that isn't about to go away any time soon.

Stopping hair loss is not a simple task, mainly because there are so many different types, causes, and symptoms. When it comes to treating hair loss, results tend to vary from person to person, so it is absolutely essential that hair loss treatments are catered for each individual.

Best ways to stop hair loss

With a good treatment plan, hair fall can be significantly reduced, and in some cases, it can even be halted. Using the right products, as part of a hair care plan, can have excellent benefits on the hair. Here are some ways to stop hair loss:

  • Increase Your Protein Intake - Eating high protein foods like eggs, meats, poultry, beans, lentils, fish, and nuts, can do absolute wonders for your hair. Many people lack the sufficient amount of protein needed for their hair (and other parts of their body) to thrive. Protein plays an important role in supporting the strength and health of he hair follicles.

  • Supplement Your Hair - Taking vitamins won't cure or reverse hair loss, but they can help reduce and even stop it, especially for people who are deficient in some vitamins. Taking the right vitamins can be hugely beneficial to your hair, especially if you are prone to severe thinning caused by common conditions of alopecia, such as pattern baldness and seasonal shedding. For the vast majority of us, we cannot get all the right minerals into our diet alone, and that is where the significance of vitamins comes into play. A good multivitamin hair supplement like HR23+®, combines a host of key vitamins with potent extracts that work to prevent excessive shedding and hair thinning, as well as promote the function of normal hair growth.

  • Medical Treatments - There are a couple medical treatment options that you could consider, such as finasteride and minoxidil, but they do come with the risk of negative side-effects, some of which can be severe, and even permanent. Be sure to speak to your doctor before taking any medical treatments, as it is important that you know your hair loss type, and the risks involved. If you are not keen on the idea of using medical drugs, then there are plenty of safe and natural alternatives available.

  • Advanced Hair Loss Treatments - For more advanced stages of hair loss, options include hair transplantation (surgical), low level laser therapy (LLLT) treatment, micro needling, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Please note, though, that these treatments tend to be very expensive, and they do not always guarentte the desired results.

How To Reverse Hair Loss?

The harsh truth is that reversing hair loss is very unlikely, however, in some cases, it is possible, to a certain extent. It really depends on a number of factors, like what type of hair loss you have, and whether it is a temporary type, or a longer term type.

For temporary hair loss types, like stress-related hair loss, for example, the hair will usually grow back to its original state, or certainly close to its original state, but a longer term hair loss type, or a genetic type like androgenic alopecia (male/female pattern baldness) is a much more difficult to reverse. That is why is is advised to assemble a long term hair care plan that can gradually slow down the falling of hair, and help support the growth of strands.

Can HR23+® Stop Hair Loss?

HR23+® is a leading hair supplement, designed to help men and women stop hair loss, and support the function of healthy hair growth. HR23+® is safe, effective, and completely risk-free. This supplement has an 89% customer satisfaction rating (86% for men, and 91% for women), and is the most effective product of its kind on the market.

HR23+® is particularly beneficial to men and women who suffer from any of the following hair loss conditions:

  • Androgenetic Alopecia
  • Involutional Alopecia
  • Seasonal Shedding
  • Postpartum Hair Loss

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